A Glance at the Candidates

I firmly believe that more than any point in American history, we the people have a choice to decide between freedom, liberty, and prosperity, or the further robbery of our rights, other nation’s rights, and the risk of global warfare. I do not wish to fear-monger, or to manipulate in order to progress a candidates ideals. I do however wish to express my opinion and hopefully promote the ideals on which our country was founded.
We are now down to 5 candidates for president (assuming no third-party candidates with viability.) Those candidates are Gingrich, Obama, Paul, Romney, and Santorum. The fault of this fact is that of the 5 candidates we have two pairs who are very similar, despite the constant manipulation by the MSM and the parties. Gingrich and Santorum are very similar in ideology, with the candidates currently splitting a sect of the republican vote. As strange as it sounds Obama and Romney are also two peas in a pod. Romney and Obama have both passed healthcare bills as executives that are eerily similar and have both been considered as each respective candidates biggest controversy. now on to my analysis of each candidate.
I will start with the candidate whom I find to be the worst for America and work our way progressively to whom I find as a more appeasing candidate.

A former CEO of Bain Capital, former Governor of Massachusetts, and son of George Romney (former Governor of Michigan and U.S. Presidential Candidate.) Romney fits the bill. He has economic experience, executive experience, money to fund his campaign, and a legacy to follow. All of these are exactly why you shouldn’t vote for him though. As a former CEO of Bain Capital he was not “successful” by measures of virtue. There is no problem with him making money, it is how he made it,  and his choice of business to venture into. The type of company he ran was a venture capitalist company, as well as private equity. If you are unfamiliar with this type of company, they buy and/or invest into companies and squeeze money out of them by making them the most profitable possible. This means no regard for the employees or the prosperity of any individuals besides themselves. Romney is not an intentional job creator, in fact he would prefer to have hired as little people as possible. Romney is also making false claims as the majority of the companies in which he contributed to their growth he was in no way responsible, he simply had money and knows people with money. There is nothing with earning an honest living, and I am not taking that away from Romney, I just don’t want a president who’s biggest brag of why he should be president is not only a lie, but the truth of it is that he was a profiteer who benefited off of having money, knowing money, and moving money. Romney didn’t create jobs, in fact in his tenure as governor his state ranked 47th in job growth. Romney is a moderate seeking to help big business, and hurt civil liberties in order to fight “terrorism.” He has no intentions of helping the REAL people of America.

On to frothy mixture, I mean Santorum. Santorum is alright, he’s just ignorant.  Santorum is probably the biggest supporter of social conservatism. He has been quoted for comparing the LGBT community to. He has also supported defining life as conception, denying teenagers education on birth control, illegalizing birth control, imposing a constitutional amendment abolishing all abortions, imposing a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman, abolishing same-sex adoption, and moving children already adopted into same-sex families into foster homes. Santorum also buys into the theory that there are elite companies that are “job creators” despite there being plenty of evidence that Main Street America is the true backbone of America.

Oh, Newt Gingrich if you weren’t a maniacal liar and hypocrite you might be a viable U.S. President, although i doubt it. Newt is famous for scandal. during his campaign to impeach Clinton he was in an extra-marital affair. 1 hypocrite point. During his tenure as the Speaker of the house he resigned and was fined $400,000 for his improper use of finances. Yet he speaks of how good his party managed the budget. 2 hypocrite points. During the campaign he has constantly called out every fact check he can on Romney, but just yesterday Ron Paul criticized him for lying about the budget which was never positive in his tenure. 3 hypocrite points. I can keep going, but I think you get the point.

Barrack is probably a good name, as he is on his way to send Americans into underground barracks. Obama as well as all of the aforementioned have every intention to use every power to stop Iran from well being Iran. As scary as Iran can be, there is a reason we have not gone to war with them yet, because they could very easily start world war 3. This however, is just a prediction here are some facts on Obama. He supported the NDAA or as i call it, eternal global warfare including U.S. citizens. He also signed ACTA which if you are unfamiliar it’s basically SOPA but worse. Its also very secretive, and is a GLOBAL treaty. He also sat less than a mile away at a fundraiser, as the Oakland Police Department attacked peaceful protesters with flashbangs, tear gas, batons, and rubber bullets, and did nothing to stop it. Obama campaigned for alot of things i supported and as soon as got into the oval office the scam was evident.

Now to the first part of this that gives me a glimmer of hope for our country, and our people. Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a firm constitutionalist and libertarian. He believes the government constantly intrudes into our lives unnecessarily. He is against all of our wars, including the one on drugs. He is the number one promoter of ending the Fed, getting America out of debt, and using sound money. He has never voted for any stripping of any american rights, ever. You would be hard pressed to find any scandals, or quotes that make Ron paul look anything less than honorable. The only the MSM, who have constantly criticized him, could find was a newsletter which he didn’t even write. Ron Paul is the only honest man left in Washington. Ron Paul is the only candidate who isn’t bought out. Ron Paul is the only candidate who will not cause World War III. Ron Paul is freedom.

Ron Paul

I never thought i’d see this. Is it possible to be the most media hated candidate and still win? Congratulations Mr. Paul, hope people start listening.



EDIT Dec 22, 2010 – @ 18:45

Altough i disagree with alot of Ron Pauls ideals, I think he’s the only one telling the truth, and trying to prevent the inevitable.